The word slot, originally an Old French term for a hollow in the throat above the breastbone, has many meanings and a variety of synonyms. Its definition as a linguistic term dates from the late fourteenth century, and its usage in a sentence dates to the 1520s. The word “slot” also refers to a slot machine, a device used to extract information from data through random number generation. Its modern meaning as a type of slot machine dates from 1888.
In hockey, the slot is the area in front of the net that has the highest chance of scoring without deflection. It also allows for wrist shots, as the net is viewed directly. Defendants will establish the slot as no man’s land to prevent scoring. This creates a unique situation for players who play in the slot. Regardless of the sport, the slot has a long history of defining the position of players on the ice.
The use of slots and flow management has been largely unnoticed in recent years. Nevertheless, they are poised to become a more popular form of transportation in the near future. With increasing congestion in many areas of the world, this method of traffic management can be an efficient way to alleviate the congestion and improve the air quality. The first implementation in Europe has already reaped massive savings in delay times, fuel burn and environmental benefits. The use of slots in airports will be seen more widely, and their use in traffic management is likely to increase as more cities and nations adopt the technology.