
A narrow opening, slit, or groove, usually in the form of an upright rectangle. Also: A position in a group, series, or sequence; an assignment or job opening.

When you’re at an airport, you might find yourself waiting around on the tarmac while your plane is sitting there, “waiting for a slot.” What does that mean? And how do they decide when it’s time for you to take off?

You’ve checked in, cleared security, made your way to the gate, queued up and waited in line to board, struggled with the overhead lockers and finally settled back into your seat. Then, you hear the captain announce, “We’re just waiting for a slot.” What does that mean?

During the design phase of a game, designers must consider many factors to ensure that their slot is successful. This includes market research, feasibility testing and analyzing previous player behavior trends like what makes players stick with a particular game. SG’s Mastropietro points out that these types of insights can help designers avoid costly mistakes and create superior slots.

Once the game has been finalized, a designer will start to produce initial sketches and wireframes to display how the slot will look. It’s important to include key information early on such as the Name, Developer and theme of the slot. This allows the reader to quickly understand whether this is the right game for them. Additionally, it’s also helpful to provide a brief overview of the game mechanics and its core features.