Slot is a directive that allows you to render a template fragment with variables from its scope. It has a dedicated shorthand # and can be used in conjunction with v-if.

A narrow depression, notch, slit, or aperture, especially one for receiving something, as a coin in a slot machine or a door handle in a car. Also: a position in a group, sequence, or schedule. The program was slotted into the broadcasting schedule at 2 p.m. She was able to slip the book into the slot in her carry-on.

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Originally created in the late 19th century, slot machines are gambling games that use spinning reels to display symbols. Players can bet any amount of money and spin the reels to win prizes based on how many of these symbols align on a pay line. Today, slot machines are highly advanced, often taking inspiration from popular culture, video games, and ancient mythology to offer a wide variety of features that keep players interested and engaged.