The game of poker involves betting and building hands. A player with the best 5-card hand wins all of the chips that were put into the pot during the betting phase. It is possible for two hands to tie, in which case the highest-ranking suit determines who wins.

The first betting phase starts when the player to the left of the big blind puts in a number of chips. Players may choose to “call” that amount, increase it (raise), or to fold their cards and withdraw from the game. If a player chooses to call, they must continue to put in chips equal to or greater than the last raiser to stay active and eligible to win the round.

After each player has called, a third card is dealt face-up to the center of the table and is revealed to all players. This card is known as the flop. After this, another betting phase begins. If a player has a strong hand, they can choose to raise again.

This process is repeated until only one player has all of the chips in the pot or all players have folded. The remaining players then reveal their hands and the winner collects all of the money in the pot. Some of the strategies that are used in Poker include using “tells” to misinform other players about their hands and making bets of different sizes to confuse opponents. A successful poker player must be able to manage their own emotions and not let their own fear get in the way of a good strategy.